Question: What about the recitation of the name “ALLAH” during Friday Hadra?

Question: What about the recitation of the name “ALLAH” during Friday Hadra?



Certain scholars, such as Sheikh Umar al Futi (may Allah be pleased with him) in his book “Rimah”, and Hajj al Hassan al Baqili in his book El Ira-a, specify that it is possible to recite the Ismu Mufrad that is to say “ALLAH” after the recitation of “La ilaha illa ALLAH” or alone.

However, during the lifetime of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH be sanctify his precious secret) and until his death, only the words “La ilaha illa ALLAH” were recited and this is still the case in the noble Zawiya in Fes and in Ain Madhi.