Question: Is it true that Friday Haylala used to be performed standing up and moving the body?
Question: Is it true that Friday Haylala used to be performed standing up and moving the body?
Yes it is. Friday Hadra (Haylala) was performed according to the rules of the Khalwatiya such as rocking the body in time to the rhythm of the evocation as well as standing up, both during Seyyidina’s lifetime and after his death.
Later, seeing so many innovations arising during gatherings, Sidi Muhammad El Kebir (may Allah be pleased with him), who was world Caliph at the time, and his brother Sidi Mahmud (may Allah be pleased with him), the grandsons of Seyyidina (may Allah sanctify his precious secret), sent a letter to the people of Fes instructing them to renounce the rules of the Khalwatiya and just to recite La ilaha illa ALLAH”. This is the way that Haylala is practiced in Fes, in Ain Madhi and elsewhere to this day.