Sidi Muhammad ben Quider El Abdelawi, may ALLAH be pleased with him

The honoured and noble Sherif Hassanite Abu Abdallah Sidi Muhammad ben Quider El Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was a knower who had attained the highest degrees of elevation, his spiritual station was equaled by none. He was the perfect Wali, recognized by his allies and his ennemies. He was the sunshine of happiness rising in the sky of safeguarding, the light that illuminated the path of guidance. He was among the greatest of the elite of the elite of the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).

His son Sidi Mulay Ahmed Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) recounts that, having met Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and joined the Tariqa Ahmediya, his father came back to his tribe which counted fifty people. He spoke to them of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and of his numerous prodigies such that they all wished to see him, to accompany him, to know his secrets, and to receive his lights. Thus, they all traveled to meet Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and to receive the Tariqa Ahmediya, then they returned home with this invaluable treasure which then spread throughout the region.

Sidi Muhammad ben Quider  El Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) often visited Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and when he traveled to Ain Madhi or other places, he visited Fes. Sidi Ahmed Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) also recounts that on the day of his birth, his father was preparing to travel with some of his companions to visit our Master (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) : « My father welcomed his companions in his home until the end of seventh day following my birth and then they went to Fes. At that time Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was ailing, preceding his death. » However, obstacles on the way delayed their arrival to Fes. Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) called upon the virtuous Saint Lalla Mannana to unveil the reason for their delay. She informed him that the Turkish authority from Tlemcen had requisitioned their mounts for their own needs, and then that they have been returned in perfect condition and so they would be arriving soon.

Ten days after the caravan arrived in Fes, Sidi Muhammad ben Quider El Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) sent someone to Lalla Mannana (may ALLAH be pleased with her) to ask: « We want to leave with our caravan, what do you think? » She replied: « If you want to leave within two or three days, this seems to be propitious, but if you tary, there will be an impediment due to the death of the Sultan. » Sidi Muhammad ben Quider El Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) questioned his emissary concerning the identity of the Sultan and sent him again to Lalla Mannana (may ALLAH be pleased with her). The emissary again requested Lalla Mannana (may ALLAH be pleased with her) explaining that they could not leave at that time, but she repeated the same words. Then, as she had predicted, afther two or three days, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) passed away. Lalla Mannana (may ALLAH be pleased with her) attended his funeral and was asked: “Did you not say that it was the Sultan who was going to die?” to which she replied: “Yes! Indeed, this is the Sultan.”

Sidi Muhammad ben Quider (may ALLAH be pleased with him) maintained his effort, following the path of perfect guidance until he passed away, six years after Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). His noble son said that, when the jurist, who had taken responsibility for washing the body of his father, recited Salat el Fathi with some of the brothers, they heard a voice reciting with them. The voice came from the deceased, although his tongue was not moving. This was one of his prodigies. He also said that his father and some companions had written to Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) concerning an outbreak of disease in the area, to request his authorization to leave for the region inhabited by the children of El Masabi and to settle there.

Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered:For he who has been guided by ALLAH, it is not appropriate to stay in this region because its inhabitants, its earth and its sky are dark. They will enter The Fire because this is the land of a lost sect, which leads other astray and has even dared to hate Seyyidina Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him).” Then he added: “They are followers of the school of Ibn Mouljam (the assassin of the Imam Ali (may ALLAH be pleased with him), who was among the dissident group called Kharijites) may ALLAH bridle him with fire.

In accordance with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) recommendation, they built a village on their land that they called ‘Aliya, and went to live there with their children until they died.

His son Sidi Mulay Ahmed Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) is the knower of ALLAH, the famous Wali and holder of numerous qualities and manifest prodigies. He was born two months before Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) passed away and spent all his childhood in his house.

On the seventh day after his birth, many famous companions were present, and among them was the Pole Sidi Hajj ‘Ali Tamacini (may ALLAH be pleased with him). On the day of his birth, the Spirit of the famous Wali, the great Knower of surprising prodigies and unusual spiritual states, the companion of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), the Sherif Sidi Abou-l-Hassan Chtioui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) came to his father and said: “This is my son. Whosoever doubts this should fear for himself.” Then, he left as he had come, without anybody knowing how he could have arrived. It was clear that he had only come to make this announcement and to emphasize the merit of Sidi Mulay Ahmed Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him). He was raised in a holy environment, protected and cared for by people near and far. Sidi Mohamed El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) considered him as a brother, a friend, a beloved and a companion. Sidi Ahmed Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was the holder of his secrets and his companion in every gathering, day and night until the death of the son of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) who was satisfied with him. He had a privileged relationship with him.

Sidi Ahmed Abdelawi (may ALLAH be pleased with him) also said: “When Sidi Mohamed El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) passed away, his children were very young, and I was afraid of losing the secrets of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). I discussed this with several specific and close people and together we went to the house of Sidi Mohamed El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him) and requested permission from his elder daughter to enter the room where the box was contained. She granted this permission, and on entering, I opened the blessed casket and found within three full rows of booklets. The first thing that I saw was a card that was different from the other pages of these booklets which was placed on top. I picked it up and read it, noticing the handwriting of Sidi Mohamed El Habib (may ALLAH be pleased with him): “The person who picks up this page should now that these are the Hidden Books (Kunache Maktum) which contains that which is between Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) our father and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). They were written entirely by our father, the intermediary Sidi Mohammed ibn ‘Arabi and the Caliph Sidi Ali Harazim; and I warn you not to read it nor to show it to the scholars: this would cause your loss and theirs.” Having read this, I dropped the card and then I saw a part of page of this book because sometimes the eyes stray. On this page, it was written: “Know that this great wird is for the people of the great bliss, those who have emerged from the circle of flattery and selfishness.” So I concealed what I had seen and closed the casket in obedience with the instructions.

A scholar heard about these books and declared: “The books were made to be read!” Then, he went to casket, opened it and took something out and read it. Not more than two days later, he became blind and ten days after this, he died of a terrible fever. Since then, this casket is locked and only be opened by the awaited Imam, and only ALLAH knows the truth.