Sidi Muhammad ibn Abbas Semghuni (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
Sidi Muhammad ibn Abbas Semghouni (may ALLAH pleased with him) was one of his special Muqaddam who had received the authorization to transmit the litanies of this Tariqa Muhammadiya (at his time). Due to his love, compassion and deep-rootedness, he was raised to a respectable rank with Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret).
He is among the meritorious whose station collided with that of Sidi Muhammad ibn Mechri (may ALLAH pleased with him) and so both of them were afflicted with excessive mutual jealousy and rivalry so much that this impacted the brothers in Bussemghun and consequently they divided into two groups. When this information reached Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret), he asked them for the reason and they answered: “Muhammad ibn Abbas is jealous of Ibn Mechri and Ibn Mechri is jealous of Muhammad ibn Abass, this jealousy has spread to the followers of both.” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to them: “My companions are one, and he who knows me, must know me alone.” From then on, the brothers were united as one and this jealousy turned away from them. Of course, we should avoid having a bad opinion of them because these circumstances appeared in order to throw light on the secret of this education and the proper way to follow it.
All the inhabitants of Bussemghun, felt deep love for Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) so much so, that when he left the village, they all wanted to leave their region and go with him, wishing only to live in the place that he would have chosen. Regarding this, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to them: “Know that a Wali only leaves a place if his heart has changed regarding the inhabitants of that place. For you, if I leave your place, it is not for this reason, but for another. Your old and your young are all my beloved, you will always be so, and if you were all in a basket without handles, I would take you into my arms and carry you across the Sirat Bridge.” Then, he instructed them to stay in their town and they complied with his order.
Research and translation by Zawiya Tidjaniya el Kubra in Lyon, France