Sidi Shahid El Wazani, may ALLAH be pleased with him

Authentic Sherif and noble man gifted with blessing, Sidi Shahid el Wazani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was righteous and firmly bound to the path. This master was among the elite of the companions of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may sanctify his precious secret). Previously, he had been affiliated to the Tariqa of the dignitaries of Wazzan and later he fully adhered to the Tariqa of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may sanctify his precious secret) as did certain other of his worthy companions. 

It has been said that Sidi Ahmed Bannani, Sidi Tayeb Sefiani and he (may ALLAH be pleased with them) shared incomparable friendship and affection. They were brothers in ALLAH united as if they shared a single heart. They often gathered in privacy at Sidi Shahid el Wazani’s house. This house had two entrances. One night, after Isha prayer, Sherif Sidi Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) went to the place in question with a meal and entered the house through one of the doors. 

When he met his friends and greeted them, Sidi Shahid el Wazani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was astonished and speechless. Then he asked Sherif Sidi Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him): “How did you get in?” And pointing at one of the two doors, Sidi Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) replied: “Through that door!” Sidi Shahid exclaimed: “By ALLAH, I am very surprised.”

He got up, took a candle, and went towards the door in question, closely followed by his two companions. This door opened on an alley which had been totally dug up (i.e. which was totally under work) and so it was impossible for anybody to use it. The only possible entrance to the house was through the other door. Sherif Sidi Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) was also astonished by this and had no explanation for it until the day when all three took the Tariqa Tidjaniya and during a circle with Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may sanctify his precious secret), Sherif Sidi Tayeb (may ALLAH be pleased with him) remembered this surprising event such that it monopolized his thoughts entirely. Through spiritual unveiling, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may sanctify his precious secret) said to him: “It is your own Sheikh who opened the way for you without you even being aware of this and such and such (your friends) were witnesses. ” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may sanctify his precious secret) described precisely what had happened at that moment. The determination of the three friends strengthened and they bound firmly to the Tariqa of Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may sanctify his precious secret).

It is written in El Ifada that Sidi Sherif Shahid el Wazani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) had requested Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may sanctify his precious secret) to implore for diligent rectitude (El Istiqama) on his behalf, but Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may sanctify his precious secret) replied: “May ALLAH accept you through His Grace and His Approval.” Sidi Sherif Shahid el Wazani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) asked him the reason for which he would not beseech steadfast uprightness and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may sanctify his precious secret) replied: “These days, wanting rectitude is tantamount to wanting to build a stairway to heaven.” Sidi Sherif Shahid el Wazani (may ALLAH be pleased with him) repeated his request and Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may sanctify his precious secret) explained: “I said: “May ALLAH accept you through His Grace and His Approval”; if ALLAH accepts you through His Grace and His Approval, He does not take into consideration that you are righteous or crooked (sinful). Know that, these days, once a person has achieved righteousness, he will not find anyone to help him remain so.”